PCI DSS Compliance

As an online retailer, if you take credit or debit cards as a payment method you should be Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) Compliant. We (View 6) do not have sight of your PCI…

Magento 2 Quick Tip - Admin Column Controls

The Admin in Magento 2 has been updated not only in terms of how it feels (with its new modern fly out left hand main menu) but also in terms of its features that are included. If you manage products…

Magento 1.9 Stock Alerts

Magento 1.9 has a built in feature that allows customers to receive email updates when items are available in stock again. The emails are sent by a Daily CRON routine. It can be configured under…

Magento: Cannot save the customer. error on creating a new account

  The Issue:   If you get the error above on your Magento site when trying to create a New Account/Register on the Frontend, first make sure that System > Configuration > Developer:…

Magento Compiler - Quick Start Guide

If you want to get even more speed from your Magento store then have a look at the Compilation feature, in SYSTEM > TOOLS > Compilation. DO NOT click "Enable" until you have first clicked the…

Magento & HeartBleed

As you may will have heard on the news, a security vulnerability has been identified that affects SSL certificates used on websites that show the https:// in the address bar. SSL / HTTPS are most…

After Magento 1.8 upgrade - Customer Unable to log in

We recently completed a Magento CE upgrade from 1.6 to 1.8.1 and had a problem that customers we unable to log into their account dashboard. The Login button just looped back to the log in page - no…

Magento: Add Grand Total to New Order Transactional Email

1. Make a copy of Order.php from: /app/code/core/Mage/Sales/Model/Order.php to: /app/code/local/Mage/Sales/Model/Order.php Then added the bold line below around line 1319:…

Magento 1.8 Tax / Vat Rules... No Zero Calculations!

If you are migrating to Magento CE 1.8 one of the big upgrades is how the VAT / Tax is being handled. The configuration looks very much the same as in previous releases, however the way there has…

Magento SEO /index.php re writes

Magento is a great eCommerce platform and one that we spend most of our time working with and using. Out of the box it offers many SEO features however one area that requires some attention is the…

eMail Marketing with Magento

Magento is a great eCommerce platform - Out of the box it includes many powerful customer and admin features - from marketing to management... however this does NOT include eMail Marketing. Magentos…

Invalid channel.xml file when trying to install a Magento Extension?

If you are getting a Magento “Invalid channel.xml file”.. when trying to install an extension Go back to connect and change the version from 1 to 2 in the drop down box and then use the newer key…

Magento - Editing the Pesky Top Links

To make sure we are talking about the 'top links' the file I am referring to is: /app/design/frontend/default/template/page/template/links.phtml I usually end up creating a new static block and…

How to display different Static Blocks based on Category in Magento

The code below can be used in the template/page .phtml files and has been used in the 2column-left.phtml file: <?php $category = Mage::getModel('catalog/layer')->getCurrentCategory();?>…

Magento Image paths

Ok you want to add an image to a Magento CMS page or static block. But what image path to use? If you are in the habbit of hard coding in long /skin/frontend/theme_name_here/ect/ect/ect/ paths -…

How to 'get' the path in Magento

To Retrieve URL path in STATIC BLOCK To get SKIN URL {{skin url='images/sampleimage.jpg'}} To get Media URL {{media url='/sampleimage.jpg'}} To get Store URL {{store url='mypage.html'}} To get…